(River Game) Game almost released!
Water wheel concept, for river game, mechanic / design was for a visual hoop players try to pass through.
Crypto Game Top Secret
NDA Crypto Game, large team working in Unreal 5, a crafting table
NDA Crypto Game, large team working in Unreal 5, a crafting table
A waterworks area, a place for players to do certain quests, in and around
Spider Monster players will combat
My Whitebox Rapid Blockout helped my concepts, process to draw faster/better than without
Another Artists high poly sculpt, using my whitebox
Sometimes I make simple animations to get an idea across
Unreleased 3rd person shooter
Unreleased 3rd person shooter, concepts for another game built in Unreal 5
I gave specific animation direction to get this nice bouncy run from our animator.. Initially the run was a bit stiff. You can see my critique below via short gif
^^ Model direction to get a specific look, the top image was not it, too fortnite-ie, second one not feeling it. 3rd try was the charm!
Another artists worked, based on my concept and feedback, this artist nailed it and is super awesome!
Unreleased Game Jam Game
Personal work, Space Miners, Random Shares
Almost Released Mobile Game, Made In Unity
I also made all the logo's you're seeing here!
Concept for a VR pitch
Feed the animals, in game, side game, mini game pitch
Splash Screen, Cover Art Concept
Character Work For Undisclosed Company

Client asked for a low poly, pixelated, "old nintendo DS style"
256 x 256 Texture
Beauty Shots!
Dishing out some nerf justice back in 2016 in the Gapp Lab at the U of U. Also me at my home in Brigham City, Utah.
Jeff Jackman Art 2025